Brocoli & Lettuce Seedlings now in the coldframes |
Walked out to garden yesterday morning and lo and behold, some evil creature (rabbit, deer, vole, troll, garden gnome?) had consumed 95% of my pea seedlings. Sadly we will harvest no peas from the garden this year. However, having no time to mourn, we moved the cold frames to this bed and planted planted out our tiny brocoli and lettuce seedlings just in time for a major thunder storm. They were snug and cozy while the storm raged about them. Hopefully they will not suffer the same terrible fate as our lovely little pea plants.
Before the storm hit, we were working like crazy to prepare more planting beds and did manage to get a nice bed created for the five yellow raspberry plants we received from Norse Farms in the mail two days ago. I hope they flourish in their lovely new space.
Potatoes poking through the soil |
More good news. The potatoes are up and the onions we planted seem to be thriving. We did lose about ten of the yellow onions; however, all the purple onions seem to be growing well. The potato, strawberry, and onion/herb beds were all weeded.
There is much, much more to do. But the garden looks happy after its manicure.

I saved the best for last...check out the Dogwood - now in full bloom.
Stay tuned, the Iris and Viburnums and roses will bloom next.