Monday, March 18, 2013

Snow, rain, snow.....but more seedlings!

Woke up this morning to snow....then rain...then snow...on and off all morning.  Did manage to get to Southern States to purchase Kennebec and Red Norland Potatoes along with two bunches of onions (red and yellow).  We may have to cover their beds with plastic if things don't dry out for the rest of the week; otherwise it will be too wet to get them in the ground this coming weekend.
Big Mama Tomato Seedling

Created a spreadsheet to keep track of the garden costs vs. production value.  Anything like wood for raised beds, garden tools, etc. will be depreciated over their lifespan.  This way so that we will know precisely what our efforts this year have saved us.

On a happy note, more seedlings are sprouting.  It was so nice to see little tomatoes, a few broccoli and more basil peeking through the upper crust of their seed pots this morning.

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