Monday, June 23, 2014

Everything in its time...

We've eaten tons of asparagus, lettuce, carrots and strawberries.  Sadly the asparagus are done for the year; the strawberries have slowed down and what few we have are being consumed by the birds; the lettuce is getting bitter with the heat.

However, for the past two weeks we've been eating deliciously sweet, homegrown broccoli.  Here's a picture of what we harvested today.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

First Carrots of the Season

What a delight to pull and taste the first, oh-so-sweet
First Carrots
of the 2014 Season
carrots of the 2014 growing season.  These carrots were planted inside one of the cold frames very late last fall.  As hoped, the seeds germinated quickly and then did not grow much until early this spring. 

Many of those planted are still too small to harvest, but these two made the grade.  We will definitely plant more "coldframe carrots" next fall in order to get a jump on the growing season.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Breakfast from the Garden

Our Morning Harvest = Sunday Breakfast
This year I am not going to track the weight of everything coming from the garden.  However, we have had a bountiful harvest of lettuce and asparagus and now the strawberries are coming on strong.  This morning we will enjoy fresh asparagus, strawberries and quail eggs fresh from the garden.